
If you cannot find the answer to your question on this site, please contact us. Whether you have a professional interest in our services, you rent through vb&t or you are looking for a house to buy, we will be delighted to help you further!

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vb&t Group
Vestdijk 180
5611 CZ Eindhoven
T +31(0)40 269 69 69

Postbus 412
5600 AK Eindhoven

Opening hours:

  • Monday 08:30–17:00
  • Tuesday 08:30–17:00
  • Wednesday 08:30–17:00
  • Thursday 08:30–17:00
  • Friday 08:30–17:00
  • Saturday & Sunday closed

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Our offices

vb&t Group comprises various business units, each with its own real estate specialism. They work closely together and continually exchange knowledge and expertise. Depending on the type of assignment, our field of operation varies from the south and east of the Netherlands to the whole of the Netherlands.